1. API requests are sent to a specific URL. An API response is returned with the status code and any data if successful.
  2. Postman is used for building and sending API request easier.
  3. Some API documentation is not helpful or complete.
  4. GET requests to access the data but does not change it.
  5. Extra data in the URL such as filters can be added to the Params section of Postman.
  6. API keys are added to the header (as a key and value pair).


  1. 400 Bad Request: This error occurs when the server cannot process the client's request due to invalid syntax or a malformed request. It is often caused by missing or incorrect parameters, headers, or data in the request.
  2. 401 Unauthorized: This error indicates that the client needs to authenticate itself to access the requested resource. It typically occurs when the client fails to provide valid credentials or lacks the necessary authorization to access the resource.
  3. 403 Forbidden: This error occurs when the server understands the client's request but refuses to fulfill it. It indicates that the client does not have permission to access the requested resource, even with valid authentication credentials.
  4. 404 Not Found: This error is one of the most well-known HTTP errors. It indicates that the requested resource could not be found on the server. It may occur due to a mistyped URL, a deleted or moved resource, or an issue with the server's configuration.
  5. 405 Method Not Allowed: This error occurs when the requested HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT) is not allowed for the specified resource. It indicates that the server recognizes the resource but does not support the requested method.
  6. 408 Request Timeout: This error occurs when the server terminates the connection due to the client taking too long to complete the request. It suggests that the client needs to resend the request within a specified time frame.
  7. 413 Request Entity Too Large: This error occurs when the server rejects the request because the payload or data being sent is too large. It suggests that the client needs to reduce the size of the request data.
  8. 429 Too Many Requests: This error occurs when the client has sent too many requests within a given time frame. It indicates that the client has exceeded the rate limit set by the server or API.

500 Errors:

  1. 500 Internal Server Error: This is a generic error message indicating that something went wrong on the server, but the server cannot provide specific details about the problem. It often occurs when there is an issue with the server's configuration or code.